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fees non rider
If AERC has a justification for charging a
non-member fee, it should do so. If revenues are down or insufficient to
provide services which our dues pay for or which we expect, then non-members,
who enjoy the benefits of our rides without having to pay dues for them, should
be glad or willing to pay a non-member fee. There is hardly an
organization, whether professional or non-profit, which doesn't require
non-members to pay a fee or a service or good. One of the benefits of
membership is an equitable share of costs. Non-members are not
participating in this sharing of the costs and benefits of association.
Their contribution is a paltry $10.00 fee to AERC which may ensure that there
are sanctioned rides next year.
Ride managers have a conflict of interest:
Personal income generated by the ride and AERC's need for revenue. As a
rider, I prefer not to subsidize non-members through my dues. It is not a
right to ride, it is a privilege. And I thank the ride managers for
putting on the rides. And I thank AERC for being an agent in the
development of the sport.
PNER has sent a resolution to AERC on fees and
other matters. To wit: Before imitiating any fees, AERC needs to
conduct a cost benefit analysis to determine if the fee is justifiable, then
present that to the membership for consideration. (I beleive in a nutshell
that summarizes it.)
I had no qualms about paying a non-member fee my first
ride. Of course, I was a non-member! So what's the big deal? I
joined my region and AERC immediately, however, because I prefer to be part of
something I realize I want to do. It never occurred to me only to take in
the rides. And, I did this as a LD rider.
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