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Purina Athlete
Hey guys!! Hope everyone got all they wanted for Christmas!! I know I
had a great, relaxing time...
So, sorry if this is really late, hashed over already and forgotten...:-)
I used Purina for a while...I had a stallion at the time, breeding and
riding. I was not riding him hard as far as speed, but miles were adding
up for us.
I added Athlete to his regular grain, not a lot, but I was adding it. I
had two things happen that I had never had before and didn't have after I
quit using it. One, he ran away with me. BAD...it wasn't a light
runaway. It was a full out, down the road, thought I was gonna die run
away. Two, at a ride he cramped up. From head to tail, he cramped full
up. Put his head down to drink and couldn't lift it up. Scared me to
pieces!! I had to hand walk him the five miles back to camp. Angie
McGhee came along and took the JR I was sponsering, and told them back
at camp I had a horse in trouble. Blood work showed nothing major
later, so it was not a classic tie up, but he was cramped all over. We
treated him with a little fluids, but not IV..just nasal tube. He was
fine later. I took him off the Purnina totally, heard some others say
how they had trouble with it, and that was that!!
Oh yeah, he looked great though!! Good weight, great bloom. Very
pleasing to the eye.....
Samm C. Bartee-#9432
B Jets War Eagle--Ara-App
SE Region
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