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Re: Nature is for who?

Dear Mary,
Thanks for the encouragement.  My husband frequently laments that we have
started this too late (he is 44, I am 36) but as I plot and plan our future
rides and the fabulous endurance horses we will breed AND ride and the days when
we will be able to travel all over the United States.... well, he thinks I am
crazy but when I read about Valerie Kanavy winning the WEC and someone like you
(a teacher... I'm a sub) riding in the Tevis in their 50's, I realize I have a
lot of time yet to do ALL those things!!  Keep on keeping on!  We need the
inspiration!  :)

Jerry & Mary Fields wrote:

> >My wife is 67 and I am 71 now and still putting in long hours fighting for
> >trails!!!
> >Bob Morris
> Wow! Thanks for the inspiration! I just celebrated my 55th year by doing
> Tevis for the first time. I am so excited! People like you and Trilby and
> Julie Suhr are such an inspiration to me. I look forward to my retirement
> years when I can RIDE more! (I currently teach school.)In the last five
> years, since moving to the country, my husband and I have built four barns
> and stretched over 5,000 ft of 4ft nonclimb fence. We had never built
> anything before. And we're having FUN! (Aren't we all a bit nuts, getting up
> at 2:00 to start a 100 at 4:00?) I believe that this is the best part of
> life so far, and it is thanks to God's blessings on us and to endurance
> people who really ENJOY life! I wish we had discovered this 20 years ago!
> Mary Fields

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