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Re: Horses and Hebrews

Dear Karen,

<< Your post about the relationship between ancient Hebrews and horses was
quite fascinating, though a bit gruesome (the hamstringing and vulture part).
What are your sources? >>
      Yes, history IS fascinating!  More people should study it, in my humble
opinion; perhaps we as a species might start making wiser choices if we did.
It can be gruesome, no doubt.  At any rate, since yours is one of several
posts I received about the horses and Hebrews post, I'll list some books which
have been influential in my own understanding of this subject, and that is the
last I'll say on this list about it.  I'll be happy to answer additional
questions/comments on it privately. (The books on this list which seem
primarily religious are listed because they contain excellent commentaries on
Hebrew history which helps one understand WHY the Hebrews behaved as they did,
for example, hamstringing rather than killing outright the horses, which would
have seemed the kinder option . . . a warning though, not all of this is
spelled out. The reader must use their mind, and do a bit of reading between
the lines . . .)

Specifically horse-related:
"The Classic Arabian Horse," by Judith Forbis.  "Horses and Horsmanship
Through The Ages," by Luigi Gianoli.

Not as specific to horses per se, but very though-provoking reads:
"The Golden Bough; The Roots of Religion and Folklore," by James Frazer.
"King of Kings; the story of King David," by Malachi Martin.  "The
Unauthorized Version: Truth and Fiction in the Bible," by Robin Lane Fox.
"Saving the Bible From Fundamentalism: A Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of
Scripture," by John Shelby Spong. "When God Was a Woman," by Merlin Stone.
"The Bible As History," by Werner Keller.  Anything by Joseph Campbell.  The
Bible, any version.  Any one of the many good books available on the social
and religious history of the Jews and other Semitic peoples. 

Happy reading!!!
Trish & pretty David 
Grand Blanc, Michigan 

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