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Re: Witez II bloodlines
In a message dated 1/2/99 11:38:55 AM Pacific Standard Time,
BMcCrary27@aol.com writes:
<< My husband is riding an excellent Hyannis horse now, >>
Don't forget to give credit where credit is due. Almost all of the really
successful Hyannis horses also trace back to the mare Razifa, who was by the
W.R. Brown import *Zarife and out of the straight Crabbet mare Zaryf (who was
by Rifnas [*Nasik x *Rifla] and out of *Ferdisia [Rafeef x *Ferda]). *Nasik,
*Rifla, *Ferdisia, and *Ferda were all imported from Crabbet by W.K. Kellogg.
As much as I admire *Witez II, a great deal of his success as a sire has to be
shared with the many wonderful mares to whom he and his sons were bred. We
get so wrapped up in what some of us euphemistically call "The Cult of the
Sire" that we all too often overlook the very important influence of mare
lines. (We need to take a lesson from both the Bedouins and the modern
Thoroughbred breeders, both of which were/are almost fanatic about looking at
mare lines...) Razifa practically founded a matriarchy at Hyannis, and still
is often not all that far back in pedigrees of successful Hyannis horses...
Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)
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