Re: Fee structures
> I don't think you understand. Its not what AERC is making or not making.
> Its what it's worth to you.
I think we understand what you're saying; we simply don't agree. Whether
it's worth the money to me is the ultimate deciding factor of whether I
write the check or not, yes; that is why I renewed for 1999. However,
there is an underlying issue if fairness and accountability, at which the
AERC is failing at this point in time.
We all know that the AERC has suffered financial crisis in the recent
past, and is still on somewhat shaky ground. The first responsibility of
any entity in financial trouble, from an individual to a family, a small
business or a major corporation, is to review its financial situation,
make determinations as to what has been done right and what has been done
wrong, expand the right actions and correct the wrong ones, and go from
What we are asking the AERC to do is examine its current financial
condition and fee structure, identify the weak points, and reorganize
itself according to sound financial principles, including fairness and
equitable apportionment of financial responsibility to each member. Many
other sport horse organizations have done this in recent years and are now
enjoying success and prosperity. We want to see the same thing happen to
the AERC.
Glenda & Lakota
Mobile, AL
AERC # M18819 & H27310
SE Region
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