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marking trail

Vermont rides have used all kinds of methods for marking.  what we 
are trying to do now is establish a "permanent" marking method which 
will cut down on the work of the ride managers.  Since we have over 
ten different rides over similar area, we hope this will be a 
benefit.  What we put up this Fall are arrows made of venetian 
blinds...yes, that's what I said.  They are placed along well used 
trails at any point that might seem a bit confusing so that no one 
accidentally rides down what might seem like a turn.  These trails go 
from point A to point B, which are dirt roads.  Hopefully, the ride 
manager will simply have to mark the turn into the trail and the turn 
where they come out and skip marking the middle.  The venetian blinds 
are small, but when you are looking for them, catch your eye.  A ride 
in Mass. has used them for years.  You would not notice them unless 
you are looking.  I rode a 50 endurance ride there last year and had 
no problem finding the route.  When there was nothing else - look for 
the little arrow!  I know that some riders might find it confusing to 
have more than one type of marking on a ride, but the labor involved 
in putting up, and taking down, so many markers is worth trying this. 
 We have them up for the winter to see how they fare.  The ones in 
Mass have been there for over five years.  We are also using painted 
OJ lids to indicate watering places.  We would love to hear of any 
other permanant trail marking systems!
John and Sue Greenall

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