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Just when I thought I was down in the dumps big time -- someone whom I
had hired to care for my disabled sister just quit, I numbly "thumbed"
through ridecamp and finally had the nerve or whatever to read the actual
articles. I am shocked and crying. How can anyone do this kind of
thing? They should be the horses they shot! Walk in the other shoes. I
am sure all of us feel the same way, but what to do?? Work even harder
to help all the critters still in this world and of course find the
terrible "animal(s) who committed this horrendous crime - hold them
super-responsible and give them the attention they deserve! Very sick
human(s)!! What makes humans "smarter" than the other animals?? It's
all in how they use this old brain. Most times, I feel the other animals
are smarter, i.e. more peaceful, than us! .... may something GOOD come
out of this BAD!!
Karen Zelinsky, ESMT
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