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Just got back from the Biltmore/Mountain Hopes Ride. As Angie has already
posted some of the facts, I will not repeat them....<g> I has a wonderful
time. I did this ride last year also, IMO, the best ride of the year in the
SE. Great management, great TRAILS! I love wooded trails, I do not like
pavement or fields so much, this ride is almost all wooded trails. I did not
have any trouble with trail markers, (I only went 15.3 miles before being
pulled though!) Good food, good people, good camp, good trails, extra good
ride. The vets were without mercy! Many horses were pulled for very subtle
reasons. One lady told me that her horse was pulled because (she thinks) he
had to pee! Mine was pulled for lameness which I kinda thought might happen
since I've been nursing an injury for the last two weeks with her anyway, but
I thought she was sound and still fine after the first loop. Anyone within
driving distance to Biltmore really ought to mark your calenders for next
year! This ride shouldn't be missed.
Leigh Preddy SE
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