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difference of opinions

I have to tell you, why I am glad I am on this list and why you guys are
a great bunch.  I voiced my opinion on why I'd like to see top ten BC
only and have recieved some great posts from a number of people who
DISAGREED with me and posted it in a non-flaming manner.  They brought
up some good points, I never thought of before and some were sincerely
interested as to why I feel the way I did.  It is great to voice
opinions and disagree in a civil way and learn from each other.  I may
have to rethink on this one, though I may not change my mind but realize
not all solutions are easy and can bring on another set of problems.
Thanks you guys for the imput!   Linda

Linda Eisele & Sareei and                   
hubby, Allen & LS Iceman
& the young LS Lakota

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