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Re: Nutrition Questions
Hi Trish! I've been using the Natural Glo for my
stallion to put weight on him. He's been on it for about 6 weeks and has done
really well! He has picket up about 75-80 pounds and looks great! His coat has
benefited from it too. He also gets some soaked beet pulp, but not very much.
When I was giving him a lot of beet pulp, he quit eating his hay! >:-( Silly
I would definitely recommend using the Natural Glo. It's not
cheap, but in my opinion, it's worth it!
Stephanie Wind McCray
Golden, CO
Hi there to all,
I have two quick
questions I would like to throw out here and would
appreciate any
First question being I feel my horse should be getting some
supplement for
his feet as we have been having some problems with his
feet, nothing too
serious, but I would like to address it before it does
get to serious.
What I want is my horses feet to toughen up and grow a
bit more foot. I
chosen the product Farriers Formula. It appears
to have everything in it I
need except for the selenium, so I have just
started him on it. Has anyone
used it and with what results. I have to
tell you for a 10 pound bucket of
this here in Canada costs just under
$70.00. This is in the pellet form
and this should last 29 days. I have
to be honest in that I find this alot
of money and if this is what it
will take I will do it. Does anyone have
any suggestions on maybe
something they know is a bit more economical, yet
effective and has
worked for them. I know you can not put a price on your
horses feet, and
I am not saying this farriers formula is not a good
product at all, I
just find it quite costly.
Second question being has anyone used the
product called Natural Glo. It
would be used for trying to put some
weight on a horse. It is a rice
bran mixture with a fat content of 20%,
sounds like it could be a good
product for putting the pounds on a horse
that needs it. Please let me
know if anyone has used this and with what
Thank You in advance for any
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