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Ride Management

I'm fairly new to endurance and CTR but I do have a Riding Master
degree.  As we all try to reflet on this, we should se that we are ou r
own worst enimies in that we pa entry fees to deferr some of the costs
of putting on these rides.  I would feel that ECTRA in the rules they
have are not antqiated.  I am sure that they are guidelines by which
management is guided.  Its something like a dressage test.  We pay a fee
to enter the class so that we may learm but or test results.  If the
results don't come back like we think they should, we may be displeased
but we got what we paid for and what we did.  Either way the judges are
really trying to do the best they can even though it may be to our

We do need to voice our displeasure about what we disagree with and at
times this may be our ideal of what things should be but not necessairly
the reality of what they really are.  I don't mean to offend anybody one
way or the other but i strongly feel that the ultimate responsiblity we
have given to the ride managers and the decisions they make need to be
respected..  The rides on the east coast under ECTRA have always been
managed well and fairly and with the best interest at heart for the
horses and riders.  

Joe Dobiss  RM IV


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