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I'm sorry, folks, but I wasn't going to ride these rides either, so it can't be
because of my stallion that  she's worried about the future safety of others.
Also, I don't believe the Board is saying RM's can't exclude horses; only that
they follow the rules when doing so.  I also find it hard to believe that my
horse and I are so important that these RM's would take what's happening out on
all of you other riders.  They didn't seem to find it necessary to cancel rides
due to unsafe horses (and I understand there were some REALLY unsafe ones)
before I began riding three years ago, and if my horse was/is so unsafe, he
should have been barred then; not three years later.

Anyway, I'm truly sorry that this vendetta is impacting the rest of you riders.
Hopefully someone else will pick up these rides for you, or start some others.

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