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Limited Distance Rides

>is a By-laws change and will be voted on by the membership.  Some of the
>newcomers to Endurance are 50 milers.  Why should they have to pay and the
>LD's not.  The LD riders get everything the longer distances get.  Vet
>banquet, vet exams, awards, etc.  The only difference is that they CHOOSE to
>ride a shorter distance.  

Hi Maryben:  That is exactly how I feel too.  Almost any sport you take up
involving a horse is going to cost $$.  If anybody hasn't been to a
horseshow lately, go check out how much it will cost you to enter a few
classes and compare that to an entry fee for an LD ride.  I've never known
anybody to complain of the $10 fee.  

This is my first post on the subject.  I am an AERC member, having ridden
1300+ miles this ride season and helping manage one ride I'm ready to state
my opinion.  (sorry, not ready to be on the BOD yet--no metal parts, I'm
not qualified!) ;=0  <bg>

I feel that AERC = American Endurance Ride Conference should support
'Endurance Riding'.  If people want to keep track of shorter distances then
they should do CTR or stick with AERC LD the way it is.  I may be wrong,
but I am under the impression that those that originally set up AERC did
not intend for a 25 mile ride to be considered endurance (or a race).  I
realize that for many people a 25 or 30 mile ride is endurance for them.
However, it is NOT endurance for the horse.  If it IS endurance for the
horse, then that horse should not be doing a LD ride. (obviously there are
exceptions-horse being brought back from injury, etc.) I am totally opposed
to the LD rides having times recorded and having the "winners" rewarded
with awards or top ten.  If somebody thinks they are hot stuff for winning
a 25 mile ride then the AERC (or somebody) has failed in educating that
rider.  Sure, it may matter to them that they beat "x" number of other
horses....but if most of those riders are not doing the ride to race what
is the point?  Who do you impress besides yourself?  

Upon discussing this issue with several friends, most of which regularly
complete 100 milers and/or multiday rides we feel that many of the AERC
members are not being heard.  Or perhaps it is our own fault for not taking
the time to write letters to the BOD to express our views and opinions.
Many of us are opposed to the LD rides turning into races and I for one
think that it is stupid to give an (year end) award to somebody that has
completed 4 LD's in a ride season while another horse may complete 500
miles doing 50's in the same ride season and get no recognition whatsoever.  

Happy Trails,

West Region
AERC Member #14149 
& Dream Weaver & Rocky - members too! 
  2555 miles between them :)

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