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The answer to Karen's question is YES.
Sue Grahl
AERC LD Chairperson

Karen Steenhof wrote:

> Could someone please clarify--under the new rule would ride managers be
> allowed to sanction 45-mile LD rides?  10-mile LD rides?
> Karen Steenhof
> Boise, Idaho
> >The LD rule which defines the length of an LD ride requires a membership
> >vote because it is a by-law change.The board voted to approve a
> >membership vote to change the by-law.
> > Sue Grahl AERC LD Chairperson
> >
> >Re:From: Sue Summers (as posted on "Ride Camp" Digest V98 #725))
> >Email:
> >
> >To everyone that has been E-mailing and calling me regarding the LD
> >rules, this is what was sent to me:
> >
> >
> >AERC voted to change the definition of a Limited Distance ride from the
> >current definition of at least 25 miles, but not exceeding 35 miles' to
> >the new definition of a Limited Distance
> >ride as <italic>any<italic> ride less than 50 miles.
> >

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