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Heidi, I read your post about Strongid C. I just started giving Mujahli the daily ration about a month ago due to his inability to gain weight, and upon my vet's prescription. I hadn't heard of this problem in endurance horses (and I doubt that he had, as well). Do you or anyone have any info on the incidence of colic with endurance horses? Mujahli has been getting B's at the hour vet-in but I attributed this to his lack of drinking and eating during the first 25 miles...usually it gets a little better toward the end, tho' he has not gotten an A on gut yet. His metabolics seem to be good otherwise Is the Strongid likely to exacerbate this tendancy? I rode my first ride, the Mt Lassen Challenge, since I put him on Strongid and I noticed no difference. He is indeed gaining weight. If this is problematic during ride season, does it make sense to use the daily supplement during the off-season for weight gain and then terminate in the Spring?
Thanks, Steve McCorkle and Mujahli
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