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Fwd: Aussie Saddle Help

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I have gotten lots of responses. Many with similar suggestions. There are just
too many to respond to everyone individually. At this point I have re -
"awled" the panels and have tried to move stuffing away from the withers while
at the same time "fluffing" all of the stuffing. I used baby powder on the
horses back and set the saddle on it to see if it had even "uptake" of the
powder. It did. Today I rode and on finishing the ride there was only one
small dry area on the right shoulder area. I immediately took the awl to the
saddle at the same area to try and move more stuffing away from that area.
This may be the right track. If this gets me close, a good pad may make the
difference. I have had a couple of votes for a Cloud 9, any other voters?

Ed Roley
and poor old sore Sawyer in western NC
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