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Re: Slippery Training Rides


I meant to ask, does your farrier install the optional toe wear clip to St.
Croix eventers?  Mine did not, says it isn't necessary.  'Course, I'm his
only endurance riding customer.

-----Original Message-----
From: Flemmer, Linda <>
To: Susan Swope-Attardi <>;
Date: Friday, August 28, 1998 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: Slippery Training Rides

>Susan Swope-Attardi wrote:
>> I just switched to St. Croix eventers.    Say, how do they
>> wear?  Can you estimate how long you get out of a pair?  I do about 5-8
>> miles a week on pavement out of necessity in getting to other training
>> areas.
>I'm using the St. Croix eventers with side clips on 2 horses with probably
>miles per week on pavement or rocks before we hit the nice clay roads.
>getting a reset out of them as long as you don't mind the toes being so
>that you could shave with them when they finally are "retired"!
>They are a bit thicker than the shoes were using previously, thus a bit
>heavier.  The extra weight was just enough to take one gelding over the
>into nicking himself on the cannon bone in front.  We just had to pay a
>extra attention to his foot's balance + I think he got used to them.  No
>problems after that first time.  (Of course this happens 2 weeks before a
>ride for us!  NEVER change anything before a ride!!!!!!!  I keep telling
>Hey - guess what you can do with all those old shoes (assuming you're tired
>folk art and have made all the lawn furniture you need) - Sell them at a
>non-horsie auction.  I went to an estate sale recently where horse shoes
>were used on REAL horses" sold for $6 a piece!  (?As opposed to "fake"
>I should have brought that 5 gal bucket full of old shoes from the barn.  I
>could have sold them at a BARGAIN of $5 each!
>Linda Flemmer

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