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Re: alfalfa
The real appeal is the "stealing" Grey just loves to steal other horse's
food - forbidden pleasure or something. I have tried imitating other
peoples vet-check foods such as beet pulp and rice bran and the "glamour"
always wore off because I was giving some at home to keep his tummy used
to it. Finally I starting giving him soaked whole oats in his beet pulp
after he ate someones leftovers of that (with permission) and thought
it was great. He gets mixed grain at home so I don't worry about a new food
and he only gets the soaked oats at a ride. So far this is working - he feels
he is getting a special treat that probably belongs to some other horse and
eats it right up lest they come around to claim it :-) He also gets any
hay (I offer alfalfa & grass) and grazing he wants.
> I think the difference is in palatability. Kaboot thinks pellets & such
> are fine at home, but if I want to tempt him at a ride, I have to steal
> really good Alfalfa. It's great when Steve Rojek comes to town...he puts
> a whole bale at his vet check, then offers his horse a fresh soaked flake
> at every stop. I wonder if he wonders who cleans up the ground for him
> between vet checks. :-)
> Angie & Kaboot (eat this and you'll be like "Hawk"!)
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