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Re: palpating for soreness

In a message dated 98-08-25 16:40:47 EDT, you write:

<< I had a gelding who was extremely ticklish in the girth area when I stopped
 him, part way into a ride season.  We gave him time off (approx. one year),
and he
 was STILL ticklish in the girth area.  It pays to know your own animal. >>

I have a stallion who was like this for two or three years.  I also thought it
was just him.  He finally broke out with a rash, and it turned out that he had
some skin problems that we needed to deal with.  Once dealt with, he ceased to
be ticklish in the slightest.  Made me even more of a believer that there is
almost always SOMETHING going on when horses react this way.  Just because I
can't find it or figure it out doesn't mean it isn't there.


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