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Re: another saddle pad ?? plus saddle ??
In a message dated 98-08-24 13:20:03 EDT, vanhove@unavco.ucar.edu writes:
<< I would check the tree on this saddle - trees do sometimes break. >>
Absolutely. Had an almost more distressing scenario with a broken tree at the
Chinook Challenge 100 a few years ago. I wish my horse HAD pitched a fit. He
didn't--he just stoicly took it for 100 miles. I noticed him being very
reluctant to go up and down hills later in the ride, and never thought a thing
about it, other than that he might not be quite fit for what I was asking of
him. I just wrote it off to fatigue, and let him go the pace he chose.
Actually had to lead him down one very bad hill, which is unusual for him.
That is a tough ride, and the three of us that finished all finished together
with only 2 hours left on the clock. The next morning, Junior's back (which
has NEVER been sore, with 11 different riders, all using different saddles,
including a year in which he was PNER Mileage Champion) was so sore that he
literally wanted to go to the ground when palpated. I felt about 2 inches
Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)
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