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This may be Fringe, but . . .

Dear ridecampers,
      While the following may seem Fringe, I've been assured by not one, but
at least two lunatic endurance riders I know that this is definitely endurance
related. As to why they didn't post it themselves, all I can say is that, they
may be lunatics, but they are not stupid.  Myself, on the other hand . . .

The Lunatic Fringe Endurance Rider's Theme Joke:

<< > << A guy is walking past a big wooden fence at the insane asylum
 >  and he hears all the residents inside chanting, "Thirteen!
 >  Thirteen! Thirteen!"
 >  Quite curious about this, he finds a hole in the fence, and looks
 >  in.  Someone inside pokes him in the eye.
 >  Then everyone inside the asylum starts chanting, "Fourteen!
 >  Fourteen! Fourteen!" >> >>

Trish & pretty David, TNG
Grand Blanc, Michigan

---- Begin included message ----
I think Cathy is right, but I'm afraid Trish would be too chicken to
forward the post..

Love, Becky & Shadow, TOS

> From:
> This one belongs on ridecamp as the official LF joke ... I bet Trish
> post it if we ask nicely and then we can start counting all the people
> respond to the appropriateness of it....
> C
> << A guy is walking past a big wooden fence at the insane asylum
>  and he hears all the residents inside chanting, "Thirteen!
>  Thirteen! Thirteen!"
>  Quite curious about this, he finds a hole in the fence, and looks
>  in.  Someone inside pokes him in the eye.
>  Then everyone inside the asylum starts chanting, "Fourteen!
>  Fourteen! Fourteen!" >>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please remember that this list is a private conversation among friends,
> and its free spirit depends on trust.  Please do not save the messages
> after reading, and please do not forward any message to anyone without
> the permission of the author.


Please remember that this list is a private conversation among friends,
and its free spirit depends on trust.  Please do not save the messages
after reading, and please do not forward any message to anyone without
the permission of the author.

---- End included message ----

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