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Re: Is spook proofing possible?

The advice on here about training your horse has been very good.  But, many
times it is the RIDER that is causing the problem.  I have seen many a
horse be "spook-proof" with one rider and a shier with another.  The
following is not about training the HORSE, but the rider...
You must build the horse's trust and confidence, and when you are not
confident, the horse will not be.   You must ride aggressively, and by this
I mean, put your mind "down the road" and push the horse onward.  As a kid,
we used to have great fun making our horses shy at nothing...just imagining
there was something there!   You can work this backwards, and make a spooky
thing "disappear".  If you are afraid he is going to shy, he picks that up
and thinks "this must be something scarey" and so he shies!
The first thing I would suggest is to ride with friends.  When you are in a
big conversation about something, you relax, and don't "see" the spooky
things.  Ride behind someone on a calm horse for awhile.  When you go up
front or alone, be agressive, maybe to the point of carrying a crop.  I'm
not saying beat your horse, but just the fact you carry one often gives YOU
confidence!  Tell them there is nothing wrong, and there won't be ;>
Hope this helps some.
Louise Burton
Firedance Farms Endurance Arabians

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