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late night partial results from Swanton

Kathy Ruiz was still going well out of the last VC.

Following are the last VC info from last night at Swanton.
These may have some errors since it got to be a long night.
The final results with the BC info will be later today.

W/CT Regions

#    First Name  Last Name      out 3  in 4 out 4 in 5 out 5   Finish
1    Sharon      Westergard      3:57  5:59   ?    7:25    7:43  8:45
10   Wendy       Meredini        3:46  5:59   ?    7:25    7:46  8:45
40   Larry       Bowers          3:46  5:59   ?    7:25    7:43  8:52
21   Shirley     Delsart         4:19  6:37  7:08  7:59    8:17  9:27
38   Shelley     Bridges         4:00  6:28  7:06  8:10    8:33 10:16
32   Ed          Anderson        4:22  6:57  7:31  8:36    8:57 10:20
15   Linda       Johnson         4:12  6:37  7:09  8:19    8:36 10:45
8    Ona         Lawrence        4:13  6:37  7:09          8:40 10:45
14   Barbara     Sanches         5:22              9:41   10:00
3    Gertrud     Walker          5:23              9:41   10:00
13   Julie       Caprino         5:22        8:18  9:55   10:11
16   Kathy       Ruiz            5:24  7:40  8:18  9:55   10:15
24   Iylla       Reissman        5:46  8:10  8:43 10:07   10:25
19   Jazon       Wonders          ?    8:10  8:43 10:07   10:25
33   Kraren      DiCamillo        ?          9:08 10:40   11:00
25   Godfrey     Sullivan         ?          9:08 10:40   11:00
26   Suzanne     Sullivan         ?          9:08 10:40   11:00
4    Beth        Wachenheim
11   Ariel       Adjimon         5:21
6    Jennifer    Klein           5:51
20   Crystal     Switzer          ?
2    Julie       Suhr             ?
7    B. Jane     Cloud            ?
22   Anita       Fiondella        ?
28   Jim         Brown            ?
29   Sarah       Eaton            ?
43   Eliana      Di Rocha Leao    ?
18   Pat         Fredrickson      ?
39   Amber       Boring           ?
5    Scott       Wachenheim
44   Antonio     Malta
9    Judith      Ogus
17   Jill        Kilty-Newburn
23   Gary        Glazer
30   Lori        Oleson
31   Kirsten     Whitsett
41   Dabney      Finch
42   Daine       Marquard

T1   Ellen       McCrary         5:55        9:14 11:13   11:22
T1   Dennis      Rinde           5:55
T2   Lani        Necomb Dvm
T2   Kathy       Broaddus Dvm
T3   Butch       Huff                        9:38 11:13   11:25
T3   Susan       Huff
T4   Tom         Johnson
T4   Tom         Christofk	Pulled at VC1

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