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Re: July/August Trailblazer

> >Has anyone received their July/August issue of Trailblazer?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Liz in Belchertown, MA
> >
> Liz,
>         I haven't received mine either.  I called them on Thursday.  They seemed
> suprised, but said they would put one in the mail to me.  Kim

Does this mean that more or less TB has their act a little more
organized these days?  I used to subscribe, and liked the publication,
but it was just too much work to receive the dumb thing on a consistent
basis---my three-year paid-for subscription got cut off at one, never
receiving copies on time if ever, never a return phone call.  I'll
subscribe again if they're a little more professional these days.

Susan Garlinghouse

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