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Re: Tevis coverage - Michigan Bluff

At 12:00 PM 8/9/98 -0700, you wrote:
>> I read somewhere that it costs you guys
>> $$$ to do this.

My turn...

a total of...

1500 miles in my truck...

....24 hours of driving time.... was the same as at home....doesn't count...

thank goodness we "truck pooled" for the gas...

4 extra days off of work :-((($

Now I am back home, wouldn't trade this weekend for ANYTHING, except to RIDE
TEVIS next year!

I WILL post more stories about ride day and BC judging.  That took about 2
hours, and was interesting, but could have moved a little faster.  Thank
goodness for shade!

More later...

Becky Hackworth
Alpine, CA

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