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Re: A dark day for Arabians

Fortunately, the IAHA *IS* starting to move away from that image of the
'ideal Arabian'. The horse that shows in halter classes now must also
compete successfully in a performance class to advance! I'm not sure of all
the details, as I haven't shown in a couple of years... And, BTW, I have
one of those high dollar horses. He cost me more than I would ever again
spend on any single horse, and I get a lot of speculative looks when people
find out that I am now trail riding and doing endurance with a high dollar
stallion! :-) (maybe they're wondering if I should be put away...) He gets
bumps and scratches and I just don't worry anymore. And when I DO show him,
I don't use a whip.

Stephanie Wind McCray
Visions of the Wind
2917 Lookout View Dr
Golden, CO 80401

From: spencer <>
To: ridecamp <>; Annette Gordon
Subject: Re: A dark day for Arabians
Date: Monday, August 10, 1998 5:25 AM

Perhaps some of these observations/situations need to be sent to
International Arabian Horse Association as that is the entity that promotes
the shows that seem to be promoting that imagine of Arabs.  But then they
probably won't listen as they listen more to the sound of money than the
sound of the those of us who don't have the money and political strength to
make much of a difference.  We are having to work to keep owning our Arabs
and just don't have the money and time to become politically active.  At
shows, we are shunned when we mention endurance riding.  Just another form
of prejuding and lack of knowledge.  Probably in the same bracket as those
who have $50,000 4 wheel drive vehicles than never see a dirt road is the
horse that costs tens of thousands of dollars never seeing  a trail through
the woods.  IMHO.  But then I am not sure I what I would do if my horse was
that costly.  Or maybe it is in the category that if you have to ask how
much it costs, you can't afford it.  
Mary Ann, Tx

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