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Tevis update needed!

Please, Please, can someone give me an update if you have it.  I'm on 
an archaic computer at home on Netcom (can't get Netscape going to view 
ANYTHING).  How is Karen Chaton doing (#113) and Susan Hayes on Kooter 
(great picture you two in the new AERC!) and any other gossip is cool! 
I'm on the digest form so you have to email me direct.  Pain in the 
your know where, aren't I?!  Could not be there this year (as everyone 
knew a month ago so don't think I'm the one who dropped out on 
Thurs...) and I love the Tevis (from the sidelines that is! <vbg>) so 
someone give me a Tevis fix..... <g>  AND THANKS!!!!
Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab..."hey, cantering is fun, lets goooo!")
Pt.Reyes, CA

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