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Re: INhospitality at Tevis

Just a note...not to say that this was the cause, it sounds like the jerk in
the oroginal post was the guard dog sort. But at one ride when we took our
horses for their customary warmup Friday late afternoon, we came back to find
some bozos parked so close to ours that we could not tie our horse on that
side back to the rig. We had to wait until they came back (from the commode I
guess) and ask them to please move. They were rather nasty, stating that if
they moved, they would have to be further from the water (we are talking about
25 yards from the water where we were parked. I mean, COME ON!) Eventually
they moved, but GEEZ! Always remember to leave space for both horses tied to
the trailer, getting the RAMP up and down (don't you LOVE those who pulll in
RIGHT BEHIND your tailgate?) and somewhere for them to set a chair or two, for
cryin' out loud. Makes for good neighbors.

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