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Re: posting trot MUSIC!!

Dear Heidi and Deb,

<< << To calm the beast I've used "Greensleeves" since I bought my first 
  bucking bronc - er, trail horse in the sixties.  >>
 That was always my sister's favorite cantering song--she said it was so
 appropriate because of how it starts:  "Alas, my love, you do me wrong to
 me off discourteously..."
 Heidi Smith, DVM >>

     This is TOO funny!  I've hummed and whistled "Greensleeves" to my own
"bronco, er, trailhorse" David since I first started getting dumped by, er, I
mean, riding him.  I never realized until now how appropriate of a tune that
was . . . 

Trish & "pretty David"
Grand Blanc, Michigan

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