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Rain rot and athletes feet spray/powder

I have been a lurker up to now. Have never posted before, so I hope I do this
correctly. I've had a bad case of rain rot and here's what worked for me. BTW,
it had nothing whatsoever to do with bad management, just hot humid weather
and a weeks worth of rain. I loosened the scabs with betadine and mineral oil.
Washed the affected areas with antibacterial soap (daily), rinsed, towel dried
then applied Tinacin spray between washes. It worked very well. I've since
used Lotrimin cream on a milder case of rain rot and it cleared up faster.
Don't know if it worked faster because it was not as severe a case, or if the
cream works better. I'd also imagine that Neosporin between washes would work
too. Just my two cents worth. Thanks for allowing me to express it.

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