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Re: Rain Rot
Again-- I go to the herbs and tintures and homeopathics.
Calendula tinture works great.. also give it in pill form
The home made mix I make from GOLD POT MARRIGOLD flowers works on almost
all skin problems and reported to help with thrush
some other suggested remedies are
rhus tox
antim tart
thuja for bad cases
cut up a mess of the flowers and soak in rubbing alcohol for a week and
strain..ratio should be 1oz of flowers to 4oz of alcohol..
then mix with aloe juice and spray on
or use full strength for a good antiseptic wash.
I mixed it with LARD and smeared on scratches.. and cuts.. works
I have these flowers growing all over.. I must have made 2 gal of the
stuff so far this year.
I will give it away at the rides this fall..
I use it on me for cuts et-all
the dogs for hot spots
this is not new --was used in ww1 before they had modern drugs.
roger r
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