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Re: Captan for RainRot
> Hello Becky:
> I have had problems with rainrot before. I found that a rose fungicide called
> Captan is the thing to use. It comes in powder form. Mix it with a little
> water and make a paste and spread it on the infectied areas. It will dry it
> up in no time.
> RoopRides@aol
Sorry, this is a BAD idea. Captan is a carcinogen and a potent contact sensitizer in humans (and y'all thought the
poison oak, sumac, etc was bad). Veterinary dermatologists do not recommend its use any longer, as we have
much safer and more effective products. People also used to use if for ringworm (which goes away on its own
anyway), and I have a paper documenting that it does not work for that purpose.
Trisha Dowling, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIM & ACVCP
Associate Professor, Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology
Western College of Veterinary Medicine
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B4
306-966-7359/FAX 306-966-7376
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