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Re: Jr's. & our sport.
-----Original Message-----
From: RICHARD COOK <horses@psyber.com>
To: ridecamp-d@endurance.net <ridecamp-d@endurance.net>
Date: Thursday, July 30, 1998 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: Jr's. & our sport.
>After much thought and reflection I must respond to the subject of Jr's. as
>related to our sport. Most of the comments, as I recall, refer to the
>question of weather or not children are the future of our sport. It is my
>belief that it goes far beyond that simple question.
>From the Bully-pit of Presidency, to the Office of the House Speaker, and
>the Majority leader of the Senate we hear of the importance of family and
>children to the future of our society. The vast majority of us agree with
>these words and support those that utter them with our votes. However
>it comes time to commit our time and or dollars the vast majority becomes a
>shrinking minority.
>What other sport can parents or adults participate in with children on a
>near equal footing? Team sports have managers and coaches but they are
>relegated to the sidelines while the rest sit in the stands as observers
>only. Think of the quality time spent training, conditioning, and
>participating in the sport of Endurance Riding. Think of the
>responsibilities learned by our youth and the commitment they must give.
>Does this build character traits valuable to our society? Do we even care?
>Some do, and those that come to mind are: Maryben Stover going down the
>trail with her flock of Jr's. in tow, Connie Creech and her whole club
>giving free entries to any Jr. riding with their parents, Bev Gray, without
>hesitation, taking on a Jr. at lunch of the 5th day of the June XP even
>though she had only a 2 minute lead for over all fastest time.
>And I'm sure there are many more out there. You know who you are and you
>should be commended, for you are the ones who should be lighting the way
>our sport.
>We have been and are on the cutting edge of many things; nutrition,
>training, and the treatment of our four legged companions. We also have
>opportunity to be on the cutting edge and light the way for our children
>families. Will we seize the opportunity? After all we can still vote for
>the next bill to build more prisons. It only cost a mear $80.000 to
>incarcerate one person. It is our choice. Time will tell!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ridecamp-d-request@endurance.net <ridecamp-d-request@endurance.net>
>To: ridecamp-d@endurance.net <ridecamp-d@endurance.net>
>Date: Thursday, July 30, 1998 7:43 AM
>Subject: ridecamp-d Digest V98 #598
>>ridecamp-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 598
>>Today's Topics:
>> Re: Poison oak [ Lynne Glazer
><lglazer@cyberg8t.com> ]
>> Ortho-flex replies [ Annette Gordon
><agordon@worldofwond ]
>> Homeopathy for Poison ivy/oak [ Roberta Jo Lieberman
><fineprint@ero ]
>> Re: Help with beet pulp [ "Corbelletta, Antonio"
><Antonio_Cor ]
>> re:ice packs [ Johnson Family
><pam-john@ma.ultrane ]
>> Re: Help with beet pulp [ Bill & Dee Fortner
><wfortner@peop.t ]
>> TEVIS [ XXDU78A@prodigy.com (MS LOUISE D
>BU ]
>> Question about vitamin supplements [ "i452601" <lth@thegrid.net> ]
>> re: VT vacation [ Johnson Family
><pam-john@ma.ultrane ]
>> Michigan Shore to Shore [ kenayala@juno.com (Kenneth J
>Ayala) ]
>> Horse-Shop plug [ Steph Teeter <step@fsr.com> ]
>> Re: Poison oak [ Truman Prevatt
><truman.prevatt@nets ]
>> Panther Run Cancellation Nov. 7 [ guest@endurance.net ]
>> re: poison oak, and drug testing [ "Ed & Wendy Hauser"
><sisufarm@mmmpc ]
>> Blood Tests on Endurance mare [ "G & J Thom"
><thomlabs@netbistro.co ]
>> SYMPOSIUM [ "John B. Ayers"
><ayers@plainfield.b ]
>> Paper Piles are one thing . . . [ kjz2@juno.com (Karen J
>Zelinsky) ]
>> Christmas in Kansas ride [ MargieKC@aol.com ]
>> Rocky Mountain-8/7/98 Limited Distan [ mbp@holly.colostate.edu (Brad
>Patte ]
>> ice packs [ Terry Bartee
><broknbel@ntws.net> ]
>> AERC Trails Fund [ cberto@juno.com (connie B
>Berto) ]
>> Rain Rot [ BeckeG@aol.com ]
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 08:44:33 -0700
>>From: Lynne Glazer <lglazer@cyberg8t.com>
>>To: Teddy Lancaster <Teddy@runningbear.com>
>>Cc: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: Re: Poison oak
>>Message-Id: <v04011701b1e4f30d71aa@[]>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>>When I asked my allergist about this, albeit several years ago, he said
>>with a straight face that there were desensitization injections available.
>>When I asked why he wasn't recommending them to me with such a severe
>>allergy, he said there were severe side effects. I'm thinking to myself,
>>like what? A little water retention, my skin changes color, WHAT could be
>>worse than what happens when I get poison oak or ivy?
>>He said, "Severe anal itching." Yep, that's worse. I gave it a miss.
>>He also warned about lacquered(sp) furniture like tables, because they're
>>cured with oil of sumac (same family), though I never noticed any
>>sensitivity there.
>>>I do believe there are innoculations for help you build immunity. I KNOW
>>>there is for poison ivy...and it works.
>>>K S Swigart wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 28 Jul 1998 guest@endurance.net wrote:
>>>> > I raided Payless last night for any goop that I could find to give
>>>> > relief (funnily enough, the best thing that worked, has been a
>>>> > strong solution of epsom salts and water, liberally applied with
>>>> > paper towel). I did find some little individually wrapped alcohol
>>>> > swabs for injection sites.
>>>> My experience is, the best thing AFTER you have contracted the poinson
>>>> is to use Lanacaine (Maximum Strength). While it contains all those
>>>> natural goodies that are supposed to reduce the itching and promote
>>>> healing it also contains good, old-fashioned benzocaine (20% as opposed
>>>> the 3% in the regular strength stuff). Benzocaine (like all -caine
>>>> compounds) is an anesthetic, and a topical one at that. It doesn't
>>>> the itch, it just makes it so you can't feel it....good enough for me.
>>>> I am violently allergic to poison oak (all I have to do is look at the
>>>> stuff to come down with it) ,and used this (the last time I got into
>>>> poison oak they didn't have the maximum strength stuff). I didn't feel
>>>> thing...it was great, and it only took me a couple of days, instead of
>>>> weeks of itching to "get over it"
>>>> As for keeping from getting it, Teacu (or maybe Teacnu) is a product
>>>> claims to remove the resins before and immediately after getting into
>>>> plant. So far (I bought some of the stuff at the same time that I
>>>> the Lanacane) it has worked for me, and I haven't had a case of poison
>>>> since (and considering the fact that my horses PLAY in the stuff--which
>>>> where I picked it up earlier this year), I consider that to be pretty
>>>> good.
>>>> Oh...and my clothes go straight into the washing machine before they
>>>> get in the house (the washing machine is in the garrage).
>>>> kat
>>>> Orange County, Calif.
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 17:11:37 +0100
>>From: Annette Gordon <agordon@worldofwonder.net>
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: Ortho-flex replies
>>Message-ID: <1310389737-46928590@post.worldofwonder.co.uk>
>>Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>>Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
>>Dear everyone out there..
>>Thanks for all the replies about the Ortho-flex cutback -- any more then
>>keep coming it's all so useful getting people's personal experience.
>>Thanks others for pointing me towards euroenduro in UK just wish I could
>>access them!!!
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 12:39:33 -0500
>>From: Roberta Jo Lieberman <fineprint@erols.com>
>>To: Lynne Glazer <lglazer@cyberg8t.com>
>>CC: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: Homeopathy for Poison ivy/oak
>>Message-ID: <35BF5E55.11C3@erols.com>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>Lynne wrote:
>>>I'm like Kat, if I practically look at it, I get poison oak. <snip> I
>tried taking Hyland's Poison oak/Poison ivy blend, because a former vet of
>mine who'd gone holistic had suggested trying Rhus toxicodendron for this
>allergy. This Hyland product has Rhus tox 6x, Croton tiglium 6x(croton
>oil), and Xerophyllum 6x (basket grass flower).
>>All I can say is that I will NEVER go to the woods again without this
>>No need to apologize, Lynne...I, and many others, have enjoyed great
>success with Rhus
>>Tox -- three pellets stopped the itching and spreading of the lesions
>almost instantaneously.
>>I used the Boiron brand that's available in most health food and
>whole-foods stores for
>>about $3. Homeopathy is an elegant and extremely effective form of
>healing -- when you've
>>got the right remedy, it works. In researching an article recently on
>alternative therapy
>>education, I learned that the British Institute of Homeopathy and
>Complementary Medicine
>>now offers a home-study course in veterinary homeopathy. Their number is
>>if anyone is interested in learning more.
>>Bobbie and Miss Fine in Maryland
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 09:46:47 -0700
>>From: "Corbelletta, Antonio" <Antonio_Corbelletta@affymetrix.com>
>>To: "'ridecamp'" <ridecamp@endurance.net>
>>Subject: Re: Help with beet pulp
>>Message-Id: <0BE47529DA56D111988A00A0C9962389F70A47@NTEX01.affymetrix.com>
>>Content-Type: text/plain
>>We have been using beet pulp for quite a while now but not the pelleted
>>kind. I only soke it for a max. 10 min. I have also fed it dry, no
>>problems except that it is not as tasty to the horses. I think soking
>>it for hours is exessive, I see no benefit from that only problems with
>>mold growing in it. As far as the amount goes, several cups or as much
>>as they will eat and we have not had any problems.
>>Tony C
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 15:46:34 -0400
>>From: Johnson Family <pam-john@ma.ultranet.com>
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: re:ice packs
>>Message-Id: <v03130300b1e52bcfa17a@[]>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>>My son recently had arthroscopic surgery on his knee and had to ice alot
>>and we bought a cold pack (1-800-327-7845) at CVS. You put it in the
>>freezer until cold and it has velcro straps to hold it in place.
>>I bet it might work wonders on the colt's knee because you can tighten or
>>loosen as desired.
>>Good luck! Pam
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 15:17:22 -0500
>>From: Bill & Dee Fortner <wfortner@peop.tds.net>
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: Re: Help with beet pulp
>>Message-ID: <35BF8352.48B54194@peop.tds.net>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>I use the shredded beet pulp and will never feed it dry again. I had
>horses on three
>>separate occasions get it stuck in the esophagus (sp?). I don't know what
>happened, but
>>apparently, it started to swell before it got to the stomach. I thought
>they were going to
>>die. It wasn't until the 3rd horse that I realized what the problem was.
>>Corbelletta, Antonio wrote:
>>> We have been using beet pulp for quite a while now but not the pelleted
>>> kind. I only soke it for a max. 10 min. I have also fed it dry, no
>>> problems except that it is not as tasty to the horses. I think soking
>>> it for hours is exessive, I see no benefit from that only problems with
>>> mold growing in it. As far as the amount goes, several cups or as much
>>> as they will eat and we have not had any problems.
>>> Tony C
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 17:04:03, -0500
>>From: XXDU78A@prodigy.com (MS LOUISE D BURTON)
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: TEVIS
>>Message-Id: <199807292104.RAA17552@mime3.prodigy.com>
>>Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
>>Good luck to all Tevis riders, and especially to the OZARK COUNTRY
>>ENDURANCE RIDERS from OK, MO, KS who will have ELEVEN riders competing
>>(wearing team T-shirts...including the crew!)
>>And good luck to other Central Region riders from Texas! We will be there
>>for you, too!
>>Louise Burton
>>Firedance Farms Endurance Arabians
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 16:03:04 -0700
>>From: "i452601" <lth@thegrid.net>
>>To: <RideCamp@endurance.net>
>>Subject: Question about vitamin supplements
>>Message-Id: <199807292256.PAA18993@pop.thegrid.net>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>Hello Everyone:
>>There is such great information shared on this list. It seems we are
>>always learning about the newest, best products. I wanted to throw
>>out a question concerning a brand of vitamin supplement that my
>>friend (who shows Appaloosa halter horses) told me about. The
>>product is called Mega-Mag, it is made by Med-Vet Pharmaceuticals and
>>is distributed by United Vet Equine through their catalog. United
>>Vet Equine sells many products made by Med-Vet like oral larvacides,
>>probiotics, biotin, MSM, glucosamine, gamma oryzanol, etc... My
>>friend has been using their Mega-Mag supplement for quite a while and
>>loves the results she is getting. She says the mane, tail, and coat
>>quality is the best she has ever seen. She had the product tested by
>>the vet. depts. at Mich. and Ohio state univ. and they said it was
>>one of the most complete supplements they had ever seen.
>>Are any of you familiar with this product and what do you think of
>>it? Both she and I would be interested in any opinions out there
>>about Mega-Mag. There are **so many** brands of supplements being
>>sold that I remain totally confused in terms of the best quality for
>>my money. You guys seem so knowledgeable about the latest and best
>>stuff out there. We would love to hear some feedback on Mega-Mag.
>>Also, if you don't feel it's *that* good, what *do* you consider the
>>best? I don't mind spending more money for a truly quality product,
>>but it's so hard for a layman like myself to decide when every
>>company claims it sells the *best*.
>>Linda Hedgpeth
>>Greenfield, CA
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 20:25:40 -0400
>>From: Johnson Family <pam-john@ma.ultranet.com>
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: re: VT vacation
>>Message-Id: <v03130300b1e56d6b0f5e@[]>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>>From: Pam Johnson
>>Email: pam-john@ma.ultranet.com
>>I stayed at a wonderful B and B in Randolph, VT with my horse about three
>>yrs. ago. There were many country roads and trails to ride and the old
>>farm house and barn were charming and immaculate. The owner was more than
>>accommodating and stables her own horses on the property. It is called
>>Foggy Bottom Farm and the phone is 1-802-728-9201. If I can answer any
>>questions, please feel free to contact me directly.
>>PS Sorry about posting this in the wrong place. I learn from my mistakes!
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 20:25:29 -0400
>>From: kenayala@juno.com (Kenneth J Ayala)
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: Michigan Shore to Shore
>>Message-ID: <19980729.202531.4526.2.kenayala@juno.com>
>>Would like to know if anyone going or interested in going to Shore to
>>Shore from SE
>>area. Could take extra horse, or trailer up together. Would also
>>welcome anyone just wanting to go along for the "ride" or desiring to
>>crew. Will be driving up I-75 from Knoxville. Please contact privately
>>at kenayala@juno.com or call Anne Ayala at
>>828-452-5739. Thanks!!
>>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
>>Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com
>>Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 18:34:14 -0700
>>From: Steph Teeter <step@fsr.com>
>>To: "'ridecamp@endurance.net'" <ridecamp@endurance.net>
>>Subject: Horse-Shop plug
>>Message-ID: <01BDBB1F.7D3D6DC0@seahorse.fsr.com>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>For those of you interested in shopping online, there is a new version
>>of Horse-Shop now - http://www.horse-shop.com - it should be faster
>>and simpler to use than the old version. Horse-Shop provides secure
>>online credit card shopping for the following vendors:
>> 3 Horse Enterprises
>> Advice in video format from a professional farrier.
>> Advanced Biological Concepts
>> Keep your horse healthy without having a degree in nutrition
>> Australian Connection
>> Products for the Horse & Rider , Specializing in Fine Endurance
>> Black Rock, Inc
>> Makers of Porta Paddock, Porta Letti, Porta Feeder, and Porta
>> Cheval International
>> Horse Health & Beauty - Naturally
>> Circle (H) Products
>> The Traveling Feeder, The Answer to Convenient, Healthy Feeding
>While on the Road!
>> Country & Western Boot Hanger Co
>> Each Boot Hook is made from completely recycled materials. Made in
>the USA.
>> Cowboy Magic & Tailtamer Products
>> Make your horse look beautiful with our products!
>> Dynamite Specialty Products
>> Devoted exclusively to the promotion of horse supplements.
>> EasyCare, Inc
>> Maker of Easyboot! Proven in the toughest tests!
>> EnduranceNet
>> Ridecamp bandanas, journals, sweats and T's.
>> Georgia Farrier Supply
>> Owned and operated by practicing farriers.
>> Horse Connection
>> The complete tack shop. (coming soon)
>> Horseman Video Showcase
>> Videos for all equine disciplines.
>> Lew Hollander
>> Lew's book: Endurance Riding From Beginning to Winning.
>> RandalLyn Enterprises
>> Bale Buddy - 1997 Winner of New Products Competition in Stable
>Products Division at at
>> Rein Gear Tack
>> Slypner Atheletic Horseshoes, saddles, and tack.
>> Rigney's Traveleze
>> Urethane bonded horseshoes and horseshoeing products.
>> Saddle Right, Inc
>> Why are our saddle pads so much better?
>> Shiloh Aussie Saddle
>> Specializing in Australian tack.
>> Shoreline Select
>> Your horse deserves Good Nutrition! ... Select the Best ...
>> Sportack
>> Everything for the performance horse and rider!
>> Steed Limited
>> Distinctive Equestrian Gifts
>> VSI
>> First Aid Kits.
>>happy shopping!
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 21:40:21 -0400
>>From: Truman Prevatt <truman.prevatt@netsrq.com>
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: Re: Poison oak
>>Message-ID: <35BFCF05.9C02103@netsrq.com>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>>That's interesting. Posion sumac is prevlent in the mid atlantic
>>states. My wife can go out, take off all her clothes, roll in poison
>>ivy or poison oak with no reaction. Coming in contact with poison sumac
>>will put her in the hospital.
>>> He also warned about lacquered(sp) furniture like tables, because
>>> cured with oil of sumac (same family), though I never noticed any
>>> sensitivity there.
>>> Lynne
>>Truman Prevatt
>>Mystic �The Horse from Hell� Storm
>>Rocket a.k.a. Mr. Misty
>>Jordy a.k.a. Bridger (when he is good)
>>Danson Flame - hey dad I'm well now and ready to go!
>>Brooksville, FL
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 18:50:03 -0700 (PDT)
>>From: guest@endurance.net
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: Panther Run Cancellation Nov. 7
>>Message-Id: <199807300150.SAA09194@fsr.com>
>>You must post replies to the actual sender listed below.
>>From: Jean Wonser
>>Email: cpfjean@bellsouth.net
>>Panther Run Nov. 7. l998 is cancelled from the SE ride calendar, AERC.
>>thanks for your past support,
>>Jean Wonser
>>ride sec'y
>>Robert Drinkard, mgr.'98
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 15:56:21 -0500
>>From: "Ed & Wendy Hauser" <sisufarm@mmmpcc.org>
>>To: "'ridecamp-'" <ridecamp@endurance.net>
>>Subject: re: poison oak, and drug testing
>>Message-ID: <000101bdbb5f$16a15140$308deed0@us019255.mmm.com>
>>Content-Type: text/plain;
>> charset="iso-8859-1"
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>If I remember correctly the active ingredient in poison oak, poison sumac,
>>and poison ivy is the same. It is an oil which is relatively slowly
>>absorbed through the skin. This means:
>>1. You have some time (a couple of hours) to remove it.
>>2. While it won't come off with water, strong soap and a good scrubbing
>>remove it.
>>3. It is fairly quickly oxidized and rendered harmless, so your horse is
>>probably not going to transmit enough to you to cause problems after a few
>>hours have gone by.
>>4. An old effective treatment is to soak the affected area in potassium
>>permanganate solution (15 grains per quart of water) 3 times a day. This
>>oxidizes the stuff, but stains the skin very brown (yuck).
>>5. A more modern treatment that I prefer to mix equal parts of 3% hydrogen
>>peroxide and white vinegar. This acid peroxide is a fairly good oxidizing
>>agent. It is applied with cotton, and the effective area scratched with a
>>tongue depressor.
>>I am quite sensitive to the stuff, and extend sympathies to the sufferers.
>>By the way, I am a chemist but not a pharmacist so take my advice for what
>>it is worth.
>>I had a chance to chat with Dr. Beecher at a ride last fall where he was
>>taking samples. He appeared to agree that eventually AERC will have to
>>define limits for concentrations of legal drugs. Any student of chemical
>>kinetics will tell you that the levels never fall to zero, just below the
>>present detection limit. Theoretically, if you have ever given your horse
>>bute he still has a few molecules in his body.
>>Ed and Wendy Hauser
>>Sisu Farm
>>1140 37th St.
>>Hudson, WI 54016
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 19:09:42 -0700
>>From: "G & J Thom" <thomlabs@netbistro.com>
>>To: <ridecamp@endurance.net>
>>Subject: Blood Tests on Endurance mare
>>Message-ID: <19980730021851.28690.qmail@newmail.netbistro.com>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>Hello all,
>>I took my 15 yr old endurance mare to the vet to see
>>why she is acts like she has a belly ache or is beginning
>>to tie up whenever I ride her for more then 1/2 hour. Had
>>already had the chiro check her back and saddle fit.
>>The vets did the works the only thing that showed up in the
>>blood work was a increase in the muscle enezme (sp)
>>especially odd since the mare had not been ridden in over 10
>>days. Am still waiting for the mineral and selenium tests
>>to come back they seem to be taking forever. Was wondering
>>if anyone had any thoughts on what might be happening.
>>I rode this mare over 700 miles last year with no problems.
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 22:25:53 -0400
>>From: "John B. Ayers" <ayers@plainfield.bypass.com>
>>To: <vanhove@unavco.ucar.edu>
>>Cc: "RIDECAMP" <ridecamp@endurance.net>
>>Subject: SYMPOSIUM
>>Message-ID: <01bdbb61$6055cee0$LocalHost@JOHN.bypass.com>
>>Content-Type: text/plain;
>> charset="iso-8859-1"
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>We'll pledge $10.00 for Vickie Smith.
>>John and Meshack (VT)
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 22:54:50 EDT
>>From: kjz2@juno.com (Karen J Zelinsky)
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: Paper Piles are one thing . . .
>>Message-ID: <19980729.214747.5375.2.kjz2@juno.com>
>>Help!! New problem/issue as a subscriber. With this huge volume of
>>e-mail postings coming in daily a la ridecamp, it is quite a job/chore
>>deciding what to delte and what not to delete. Just curious about all of
>>you others out there. Do you guys delte almost everything, or file away
>>and overload your computer, or ....??? There must be a Nobel Prize in the
>>making out there with one of you figuring out an easy, function method
>>for this madness? Who are you? How do you do it? Tell all
>>To delete or not to delete, That is The Question.
>>Karen and please don't delete me Keely
>>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
>>Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com
>>Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 23:24:46 EDT
>>From: MargieKC@aol.com
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: Christmas in Kansas ride
>>Message-ID: <7d7fa6b.35bfe77f@aol.com>
>>Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>>Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
>>Christmas in Kansas (formerly known as Christmas in July) will be held
>>29 this year at John Redmond Reservoir in New Strawn Kansas. This is
>>20 miles southeast of Emporia Kansas. It was not listed in the last
>>news so if anyone has questions please call me. There will be a 25 and 50
>>Saturday and a clinic on Sunday for anyone interested in finding out more
>>about this sport but not ready to ride. I am leaving for the Tevis this
>>Saturday but will be home August 14/15.
>>Margie Burton
>>Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 00:04:25 -0600 (MDT)
>>From: mbp@holly.colostate.edu (Brad Patterson)
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: Rocky Mountain-8/7/98 Limited Distance Ride Info
>>Message-Id: <v01540b00b1e46dbc4407@[]>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>>DATE: Friday, August 7th
>>TIME: Vetting starting at 8:00 AM
>> Ride starting at 10:00 AM (may be moved a little later, but not
>>STARTING LOCATION: Dadd Gulch Trailhead in Indian Meadows in the Poudre
>>Canyon. Take Highway 14 north and west from Fort Collins 10 miles, then
>>27 miles up the Poudre Canyon. Begin watching after the turn-off to
>>Pingree Park; it is about 5 miles past this intersection, and about 2
>>into Indian Meadows. Dadd Gulch is on the south (left if going west) side
>>of the road. Start is at Day 5 Vet Check for 55 milers.
>>VET CHECK: Jack's Gulch Campground, about 10 miles up the Pingree Park
>>road, on the west (right if going south) side. 1 hour hold. This will be
>>a trot-through for the 55 milers.
>>FINISH: Stove Prairie, intersection of Rist Canyon and Stove Prairie
>>Roads, about 10 miles south of the Poudre Canyon; turn-off of Highway 14
>>about 10 miles east of Pingree Park road.
>>COST: $50.00 (do not have to be AERC members; no helmet discount); $5.00
>>discount for Juniors. Fee includes lunch at Jack's Gulch Campground;
>>Friday Night Finish Banquet Bash (awards, band, Teriyaki Wok dinner, beer,
>>much celebrating!) at Stove Prairie is $20.00.
>>Please let us know if you are coming and if you want dinner!
>>* August 3-7: 2ND ANNUAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN RIDE 55/55/55/55/25-55 *Pioneer
>> Event * (Monday-Friday; Arlington, Centennial and Mountain Home,
>>Wyoming &
>> Gould, Red Feather Lakes, and Stove Prairie, Colorado - Each
>>is a seperate
>> event, and rig drivers are available - Pre-Registration
>>is July 1st)
>>* September 5-7: HORSETHIEF PASS 25/50-25/50-25/50 & 15 mile ROOKIE Rides
>> *Pioneer Event* (Walden, CO)
>> ***All Pre-Registration deadlines are 10 days (postmarked) before the
>>unless otherwise noted; pre-registration deposit is $25.00 per day.
>>"There is no better way to see the world than from the back of a horse."
>>- Teddy Roosevelt
>> Email: mbp@holly.colostate.edu
>>Mail: 1600 West Plum Street #28-H, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
>>Phone/Fax: 970-491-8891 (evenings after 9:00 pm are best)
>>Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 01:41:43 -0500
>>From: Terry Bartee <broknbel@ntws.net>
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: ice packs
>>Message-ID: <35BEC425.4D0D1A6A@ntws.net>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>I wonder why my vet didn't tell me not to keep the ice packs on too
>>long? He did say the second day to put heat on it, but not longer than
>>24hrs, hydro it real good & re-wrap one hour later. This is the second
>>time he's bumped that same knee. Thanks for all the good advice. I'm
>>sure I'll be using it, as he seems to be accident prone, as many kids
>>Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 03:20:55 EDT
>>From: cberto@juno.com (connie B Berto)
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: AERC Trails Fund
>>Message-ID: <19980729.002122.10255.10.cberto@juno.com>
>>I have a call in to Doyle Patrick at AERC office...I want to make sure we
>>are on the same page about procedures for disbursing from the Trails
>>Fund. I'll post to Ridecamp again when I get the official word.
>>Meanwhile, thanks and a cyberspace HUG to * everyone* for the terrific
>>responses and interest in attending the convention!
>> Item for thought: how do we keep replenishing the AERC Trails Fund?
>> Can we put our thinking caps on (as my mother used to say) and devise
>>some way(s) that will keep the $$$ coming in, so that we can help people
>>attend these conferences in the future? An optional donation on ride
>>entries (just what ride managers need, more paperwork (:-( --) or a
>>check-the-box on our annual AERC dues notices? I'll never forget the
>>1997 Reno convention, someone passed a hat around the room and it soon
>>overflowed with several hundred dollars right then and there...and then
>>Bob and Julie Suhr quietly added a big cheque... but in lieu of
>>hat-passing, What? Connie B, AERC Trails Committee Chair
>>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
>>Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com
>>Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
>>Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 06:55:09 EDT
>>From: BeckeG@aol.com
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: Rain Rot
>>Message-ID: <60d9caf1.35c0510e@aol.com>
>>Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>>Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
>>Help. I don't know what to do any more. We have a horse that has had
>>form of Rain Rot for the past 6 months. The vets said to use Betadine on
>>until it is gone. But, it is not going away. Some days it looks like it
>>Does it get worse before it gets better? I figure you folks have a wealth
>>information that might help this horse. Your insight would be
>>Its funny, too. Because this little section of Michigan has had no rain
>>over 2 months. So how come "Rain" Rot is growing with no rain?
>>Becke Grams & Rocky
>>End of ridecamp-d Digest V98 Issue #598
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