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Re: Poison oak
I do believe there are innoculations for help you build immunity. I KNOW
there is for poison ivy...and it works.
K S Swigart wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Jul 1998 guest@endurance.net wrote:
> > I raided Payless last night for any goop that I could find to give
> > relief (funnily enough, the best thing that worked, has been a
> > strong solution of epsom salts and water, liberally applied with
> > paper towel). I did find some little individually wrapped alcohol
> > swabs for injection sites.
> My experience is, the best thing AFTER you have contracted the poinson oak
> is to use Lanacaine (Maximum Strength). While it contains all those
> natural goodies that are supposed to reduce the itching and promote
> healing it also contains good, old-fashioned benzocaine (20% as opposed to
> the 3% in the regular strength stuff). Benzocaine (like all -caine
> compounds) is an anesthetic, and a topical one at that. It doesn't stop
> the itch, it just makes it so you can't feel it....good enough for me.
> I am violently allergic to poison oak (all I have to do is look at the
> stuff to come down with it) ,and used this (the last time I got into
> poison oak they didn't have the maximum strength stuff). I didn't feel a
> thing...it was great, and it only took me a couple of days, instead of the
> weeks of itching to "get over it"
> As for keeping from getting it, Teacu (or maybe Teacnu) is a product that
> claims to remove the resins before and immediately after getting into the
> plant. So far (I bought some of the stuff at the same time that I bought
> the Lanacane) it has worked for me, and I haven't had a case of poison oak
> since (and considering the fact that my horses PLAY in the stuff--which is
> where I picked it up earlier this year), I consider that to be pretty
> good.
> Oh...and my clothes go straight into the washing machine before they even
> get in the house (the washing machine is in the garrage).
> kat
> Orange County, Calif.
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