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Re: Poison oak - Technu

I'm like Kat, if I practically look at it, I get poison oak.  Once some
second-hand contact with the oil went systemic, I was in the hospital on
high dose iv steroids for 5 days with a misshapen face like the Elephant
Man, weeping cellulitis.

Unlike Connie, Prednisone usually doesn't work and it takes a shot in the
hip to stop the stuff.

*However*, (here's where your mileage may vary)  I decided after trying the
Technu family and lots of prescription topical stuff, to try a homeopathic
remedy.  Please spare me your feelings about the efficacy of homeopathic
remedies, I get rather desperate when faced with poison oak exposure.

I tried taking Hyland's Poison oak/Poison ivy blend, because a former vet
of mine who'd gone holistic had suggested trying Rhus toxicodendron for
this allergy.  This Hyland product has Rhus tox 6x, Croton tiglium
6x(croton oil), and Xerophyllum 6x (basket grass flower).>

All I can say is that I will NEVER go to the woods again without this
stuff.  The 4" swath of poison oak dried up on its own, and never spread!
The itch was mild, didn't drive me insane.  I took 2 every two hours for
the first day, then 4 times a day for about 5 days.

I shared these results with my allergist of 16 years.  He's happy to hear
he doesn't have to get emergency calls any more.

Maybe this will help some people near my hometown of Sacramento, like Lucy.
<g>  I had given up on the idea of ever moving back there, because of the
poison oak in the foothills.

and Rem-member Me (and her damaged sesamoid)
See you PS people at Garner Springs...

>Thanks people for the advice about Technu - got that, bin there, etc.
>I've got the "block" (only got it last night, though, so haven't had a chance
>to use that yet), and have the "cleanser" - have applied liberally to me -
>but I think I've contaminated my truck (which I get into once I'm nice
>and clean and decontaminated.... in shorts...) and am now wondering if
>that's where I'm picking it up from...
>My question is, how do you cleanse cloth truck seats?
>Lucy Chaplin Trumbull -
>Repotted english person in Sacramento, CA
>with Mouse and Provo

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