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I started with a 1/2 cup of dry BP and worked up to 2 cups. Plus regular feed. You want to alway make sure you add enough water to cover and let st for AT LEAST 6 hours before feeding. In the winter I would make it up 12 hours befoe feeding, but in the summer becareful because it can become fermented. Beet pulp with molasses is good-the horses liked it very much. Drain off excess water before feeding as it makes the rest of the grain mushy if your horse is a slow eater. (My mare just nibbles all night long) I put the BP on top of the grain so they eat it first. It will put weght on but you have to be consistant and make it up every day. My main reason for using BP was to help my mare retain water. (she didn't drink until 30 miles into a 40 mile limited distance ride.) Hope this helps. I can only tell you from my personal experince and success. Good luck. Joe Dobiss Chow!
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- To:
- Subject: Help on beet pulp needed
- From:
- Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 23:33:03 EDT
- Resent-Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 20:40:58 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"oIH4p2.0.LL6.Fbflr"@starfish>
- Resent-Sender:
I have been reading about beet pulp and have decided to try it as an additive to help with weight gain on my new mare. I have been unable to find any "instructions" or recommendations on amount to use. I purchased a bag today. I had to special order it at the feed store as it isn't used much in this area. So, I know no one who has used it. What I got is not pelletized which is not what I was expecting even though I had no idea really what to expect it to look like. I am experimenting as I type to see if it expands and how much before I feed it. HELP! I will not feed it until I have some idea of portion size to feed. Of course, I would start out with very little and gradually work up, but I want to know what it is doing as it goes through the stomach, colon, and intestines. I want no pulp induced colic, etc, etc, etc. Also, on the bag the it stated the fat content was no greater than .3. I would have expected more than that. Am I wrong? Any pulp experts out there that can help me out? Ellen Memphis
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