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RE: Drug policy
> I guess the first question to ask is how much of a problem is this? How
> many positive test did the AERC have out of how many riders tested.
Well, to my knowledge it is a very small (infrequent) problem - the
first case (that I know of) where punishing the rider was AERC's only recourse,
but all agreed that it was the 'wrong' thing to do.
But, from the perspective of the rider, it was a very big problem - she lost
her record for the year, and was banned from attending AERC rides for
3 months. Plus the incident was published in EN. Pretty big deal.
So though it was a rare case, it still needed to be dealt with. Part of the reason
it's such a rare thing is that drug testing at AERC rides is also quite rare. There
were not many rides tested last year (most of those that were tested were in
California) - but I understand that testing will become more frequent in the future...
> suspect that there are not many and if not it is a problem better left
> to the AERC to interperate on a case by case basis rather than get into
> "acceptable levels" Even if there were "acceptable levels" established
> it would not answer the original question on withdrawal since each horse
> will matabolize a drug at a different rate.
> Truman
Agreed - and now AERC has the option of dealing with individual cases in
a 'non-punitive' manner.
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