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AERC drug policy
I recently went through a situation with my horse that awakened my interest
in the AERC drug policy. Same ole' story - don't pay much attention to
some things until it affects you! What I found out frustrated me (hard to
get answers), totally had my vet shaking his head, and I'll reserve
judgement on anger over the fact that one ride at least, has AERC approval
for their own drug policy. On the suggestion of Doyle Patrick, AERC ex.
Director, I wrote to the chair of the AERC Veterinary Committee, R.A.
Beecher, DVM, Box 289, Cascade, IA 52033 (319) 852-3106 relating to him
what I had been told and asking for clarification on some issues. I also
requested that AERC re-visit their policy bringing it in line with sound
scientific knowledge and medical practice. Enforcement seems to be one of
the bigger issues. Anyway, please send Dr. Beecher you experiences,
thoughts and requests.
West Region
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