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Re Dubai thanks
Hi all,
Thank you for all the positive feedback,I really appreciate it .Will let
you all know what I have decided after I have spoken to one of our Spinal
Specialists,which is a scary thought again,the last time I saw one I was
told I would actually never ride again anfd that I have to have bone marrow
tests,which I have been to afraid to have done.
Half the medication all of you have mentioned we dont even get here but
will also ask around.
Lightfoot is looking and feeling tremendous according to the Lady who has
been trainning and riding him,he is ready for this 100 Miler more so than
his poor mother ,who has not done that much riding this year or last year
,well last year I was flaton my back for 6 months and really dont want to
go through all that again.even my horses were in a state a shock they did
come and visit me by our kitchen door on and off.
So as you can tell I have to think really long and hard about what I want
out of life right now,but there wont be that many oppertunities like this
again in a hurry unless we have all the Endurance World champs in Dubai.
In the meantime I am very slowly get myself fit mentally more than
physically ,definately will be mind over matter if I do decide to ride
this event in not even two weeks time.
Would be a shame if I dont give Lightfoot the chance to show them what he
si capable of doing.
Ok, enough from me before I feel to sorry for myself *grin*not too worry I
always bounce back better than ever!!!
Keep well and take care
Thanks again
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