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Canola Oil
I noticed that some folks use Canola oil. I am forwarding this from
my Wellpet list. I have used Corn Oil, but now I'm even questioning
that. Any comments? Gabrielle
Canola oil, while high in monounsaturated fats, is highly processed,
contains toxins and interferes with certain biological processes.
Canola oil from the rape seed, referred to as the Canadian oil because
Canada is mainly responsible for it being marketed in the USA
The Canadian government and industry paid our Federal Food and Drug
Administration (FDA).$50 million dollars to have canola oil placed on
(GRAS) List "Generally Recognized As Safe" .
Thus a new industry was created. Laws were enacted
affecting international trade, commerce, and traditional diets. Studies
with lab. animals were disastrous. Rats developed fatty degeneration of
heart, kidney, adrenals, and thyroid gland. When canola oil was
from their diets, the deposits dissolved but scar tissue remained on all
vital organs. No studies on humans were made before money was spent to
promote Canola oil in the USA.
Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a rare fatal degenerative disease caused
by in
a build up long-chain fatty acids (c22 to c28) which destroys the myelin
(protective sheath )of the nerves. Canola oil is a very long chain fatty
acid oil (c22). Those who will defend canola oil say that the Chinese
Indians have used it for centuries with no effect, however it was in an
unrefined form. My cholesterol level was 150. After a year using
Canola oil
I tested 260. I switched back to pure olive oil and it has taken 5
years to
get it down to 160. Thus began this project to find answers since most
Doctors will say that Canola oil is O.K.
My sister spilled Canola oil on a piece of fabric, after 5
pre-treatings and
harsh washings, the oil spot still showed. She stopped using Canola oil
,wondering what it did to our insides if it could not be removed from
Our Father bred birds, always checking labels to insure there was no
seed in their food. He said, "The birds will eat it, but they do not
very long."
A friend who worked for only 9 mo. as a quality control taster, at an
apple-chip factory where Canola oil was used exclusively for frying,
developed numerous health problems including loose teeth; gum disease,
and nail beds turned gray; numb hands and feet with cramps, swollen
arms and
legs upon rising in the morning; extreme joint pain especially in hands;
cloudy vision; constipation with stools like black marbles; hearing
skin tears from being bumped; lack of energy; hair loss; and heart
pains. It
has been five years since she has worked there and still has some joint
pain, gum disease, and numbness.
A fellow worker, about 30 yrs. old who ate very little product, had a
routine check up and found that his blood vessels were like those of an
80year old man. Two employees fed the waste product to baby calves and
hair fell out. After removing the fried applechips from the diet their
grew back in.
Be sure to check products for ingredients. If it says, "This product may
contain one or more of the following".... and lists Canola oiL you can
expect it to contain canola oil because it is the cheapest oil and the
government subsidizes Canola oil to some industries involved in food
processing, bakeries and schools.
My daughter and her girls were telling jokes. Stephany hit her mom’s arm
with the back of a butter knife in a gesture, "Oh mom" not hard enough
hurt. My daughters arm split open like it was rotten. She called me to
what could have caused it. I said, "I’ll bet anything that you are using
Canola oil". Sure enough, there was a big gallon jug in the pantry.
Rape seed oil is a penetrating oil, to be used in light industry, not
human consumption. It contains a toxic substance. (from encyclopedia)
after the processing to reduce the erucic acid content, it is still a
penetrating oil. We have found that it turns rancid very fast. Also it
leaves a residual rancid odor on clothing.
Rape seed oil used for stir-frying in China found to emit cancer causing
chemicals. (Rapeseed oil smoke causes lung cancer) Amal Kumar Maj. The
Street JournaL June 7, 1995 pB6(W) pB6 (E) col 1(11 col in).
· taken from FATS THAT HEAL AND FATS THAT KILL by Udo Erasmus.
Compiled by Darleen Bradley.
Canola oil is a health hazard to use as a cooking oil or salad oil. It
not the healthy oil we thought it was, it is not fit for human
do not eat canola oil, it can hurt you. Polyunsaturated or not, this
is a
bad oil, canola oil, do not use for cooking oil or salad oil, it is
not fit
for human consumption. It is not a healthy oil at all.
Canola Oil is an Industrial Oil Not Fit For Human Consumption. There is
information that Canola Oil is the suspected causative agent for
Scrapie, a
viral disease transmitted to cattle who were fed rendered sheep infected
with Scrapie. Both Scrapie and Mad Cow Disease destroy the brain’s
to function. They literally eat the brain away, causing blindness,
loss of
mind and erratic behavior. Canola oil’s real name is "LEAR" oil (Low
Acid Rape). It is more commonly known as "rape oil," a semi-drying oil
is used as a lubricant, fuel, soap and synthetic rubber base, and as an
illuminant to give color pages in magazines their slick look. In short
is an industrial oil that does not belong in the human body. It is
referred to in light industry as a penetrating oil.
Back in the 1980’s, rape oil was widely used in animal feeds in
England and
throughout Europe. It was banned in 1991. Since then, Scrapie in sheep
totally disappeared. While that’s good for Europeans, it is bad for
Americans because the problem is now ours.
Rape seed oil (Canola oil) is widely used in thousands of processed
foods...with the blessings of our own government. Canola oil was first
developed in Canada. It’s proponents claim that due to genetic
and irradiation, it is no longer rape oil, but "canola" (Canadian
oil). They
also claim it is completely safe, pointing to it’s unsaturated
structure and
digestibility. Although, I could not verify it, it is claimed the
government paid the FDA the sum of $50 million dollars to have canola
placed on the GRAS list (Generally Recognized As Safe). However it was
a new industry was created.
The truth is however, that rape is the most toxic of all food oil
Not even insects will eat it. No wonder farmers like growing it. It
out that rape is a member of the mustard family of plants, and is the
for the chemical-agent, mustard gas, which causes blistering on skin and
lungs when inhaled. Mustard Gas was banned after WWI for this very
Studies of canola oil done on rats indicate many problems. Rats
fatty degeneration of heart, kidney, adrenals and thyroid gland. When
canola oil was withdrawn from their diet, the deposits dissolved, but
tissue remained on the organs. Why were no studies done on humans
before the
FDA placed it on the GRAS list?
Consumed in food, Canola oil depresses the immune system, causing it
to "go
to sleep." Canola oil is high in glycosides which cause health
problems by
blocking (inhibiting) enzyme function. it’s effects are accumulative,
years to show up. One possible effect of long term use is the
destruction of
the protective coating surrounding nerves called the mylin sheath.
When this
protective sheath is gone, our nerves short-circuit causing erratic,
uncontrollable movements.
To test the industrial penetrating strength of canola oil, soak a
towel in
both canola oil and regular vegetable oil. Pre-treat and wash the
towel in
your clothes washer and compare the area the two oils occupied...you
notice an oil stain remains on the area soaked in canola oil. It is so
durable, it could take several washings to completely remove. Now if
this is
how canola oil penetrates the fabric of a towel, what damage can it do
our body?
Because canola oil is so cheap, it is now widely used in the food
industry. If you are curious, just read a few food labels
the next time you are in the grocery store. A good example can be
found with
commercially prepared peanut butter. In order to give peanut butter it’s
spreadability, Jiffy, Peter Pan and Skippy brands remove ALL of the
peanut oil and replace it with canola oil. Natural peanut butter
should only
have peanuts and salt listed in the ingredients. If you want to use
peanut butter, it’s available in most stores next to the canola peanut
butter. Stir the contents to mix the oil and peanuts together then
store in
the refrigerator. The cold temperature will prevent the peanut oil from
separating. Best of all, you will have eliminated at least one source
of a
potential food hazard.
Food consumers have headaches enough, without worrying about a toxic
oil being added to their food. The problem is you will find canola oil
bread, margarines, and all manner of processed foods. But the consumer
king. Be informed and make it a practice to read what goes into your
Avoid using canola as a cooking oil and salad oil. It is not a healthy
Resources: http://www.1999.com/canola/
Perceptions, Aug/Sep 96 issue, The Great Canola Debate
Perceptions, Nov/Dec 95 issue, The Devil’s Bargain
Book, Fats That Heal and Fats That Kill, by Udo Erasmus
Genetic Engineering is a rapid developing new technology to move genes
across Nature’s species barriers. In theory genetic engineering carries
postive potential; it is also very imprecise and unpredictable. Genetic
manipulation can transfer new toxins and allergens to food plants and
produce totally unexpected side effects - such as causing a plant to
pollen that is toxic to beneficial insects. Pesticides can be banned
they are determined to be dangerous, however, once a new living
organism is
engineered and released into the environment, it can reproduce and
far and wide. The NOSB currently defines genetically engineered as :
with techniques that alter the molecular or cell biology of an
organism by
means that are not possible under natural conditions or processes. This
includes recombinant DNA, cell fusion, micro-and macro-encapsulation,
deletion and doubling, introducing a foreign gene and changing the
of genes.
Several genetically engineered crops are engineered to be resistant to
herbicide glufosinate. The herbicide glufosinate (Basta) is being used
conjunction with sugar beets or canola which have been genetically
engineered. glufosinate causes birthdefects by killing brain cells in
embryo. Glufosinate acts by causing the premature death of brain cells
the embryo by a process called apoptosis (greek for petals falling
from a
flower). A teratogen is an agent that causes birth defects. Glufosinate
tolerant canola has been grown in Canada and sold in the United States
1995. Currently not only canola but soybeans, corn and other crops are
being grown with glufosinate resistance.
Approval of the teratogenic herbicide and its genetically engineered
on a massive scale seems to have relied on the judgement and human
experimentation undertaken by the Canadian government. However, the
is not generally aware that the Canadian government agencies are
merely the
paid public relations voice of the multinational companies that market
genetically engineered crops and toxic herbicides. For a number of years
the Canadian government bureaucracy has been taking millions from the
companies to support their operations through a "cooperative" research
program. The government bureaucrats serve their rich patrons very well.
Glufosinate ammonium, which is a component of the herbicide BASTA., is a
phosphinic analog of glutamic acid. Its activity is related to the
inhibition of glutamine synthetase.
Non-organic soy, canola (oil) and corn are common
crops. The companies are renaming these genetically-manipulated foods
calling them "Functional Foods" and "Nutraceuticals" with (wink, wink)
"health benefits".
There were many deaths in the 1980s from a genetically-manipulated
used to produce an amino acid and because of all of the recent reports
decreased lifespans from insects eating genetically-manipulated crops.
More and more, food is being genetically modified: tomatoes, soybeans,
papayas, squash, potatoes rapeseed, etc. Choose foods certified
organic or
biodynamic. Avoid any product with ‘soy protein isolate’ or ‘soy
on its ingredient list. Buy products labelled as free from genetically
engineered ingredients.
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