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trails symposiums
Hi everybody,
Hope you are not all tired of this yet. Angie just e-mailed me and there
may be some confusion about my email address. It is vanhove@unavco.ucar.edu
I have received pledges from the following people to send Vickie Smith,
to the conference. Vickie can represent both ECTRA and AERC.
Carol Bushway-Boardman $15.00
Suzanne W. Solis $10.00
Kitty Longino $10.00
Sheila Noel $10.00
The following people pledged money send Betsy to the conference after $255
had already been reached. Let me know if you want to plegde this money
to Vickie.
Debby Lyon $20
Carol Patterson $25
Jackie Baker $25 (thanks Jackie for the http link for the symposium
Kimberly Huck $10
Helen Harvey $10
You can send me a check made out to Teresa Van Hove
13420 Gun Club Rd
Commerce City CO 80022
I will send Vickie one check to cover all the pledges so she has a little
less paperwork to do to represent us at this symposium. If you prefer to
send a check directly to Vickie indicate that in the email and I will
send her address to you. Everyone may want to hold off just a day or 2
for now though because I have contacted Connie Berto about having Vickie's
registration paid out of the AERC trails fund if someone else has not
already applied.
Thanks everyone,
Teresa Van Hove
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