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Re: Hay at Rocky Mountain Ride

Last year, Brad had a truck load of Certified Weed Free Hay 
available at the first camp.  You could buy your hay there.

Depending on the camp site, and where the trail will go, the
forest ranger might show up and ask to see your certificate that
you are carrying only weed free hay.  If you have a few bales of
hay, you are supposed to have a certificate for all that hay.
On the other hand, if you put your hay out of site, have only
a single bale of hay in sight, then you only need a single 

Certified hay is more expensive.  The farmers are trying to recoup
the cost of filling out all the government paper work.


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 Wendy Milner                     HPDesk:   wendy_milner@hp4000
 Hewlett-Packard Company          e-mail:
 Mail Stop A2-5UB3                Telnet:   898-2182 
 3404 E. Harmony Rd.              AT&T:     (970) 898-2182
 Fort Collins, CO, 80528-9599     FAX:      (970) 898-2038

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