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More Horse Culture - Current Events
I hope that a little endurance humor is not too out of line this
Sunday evening, and apologies to Steph Teeter if not.
Susie & Tez do not have any other local endurance riders to train with
in our suburban area, so we have to make do with available company, or
ride alone.
Runners, joggers, walkers, babies in strollers, guys in the garbage
trucks - local people keep us company on our lonely endurance training
On person in particular stands out as our best company to trot the
roads: Namely, our chief of police, Chief Miklas, who is a distance
runner and who loves to run with Tez. Admittedly, the Chief is having
a little difficulty with his extended road trot. Tez accommodates him
by slowing down a bit on hills.
The Chief is not a horseman per se, but he does love horses, and he
lavishes attention on Tez, who in turn lavishes facial horse sweat on
the Chief's tee-shirt.
This afternoon, the Chief told us a story from one of his police news
letters - current events in the horse world.
It seems that the head of one of the Columbian drug cartels ran afoul
of the DEA in a sting operation in Columbia. DEA agents siezed
numerous "assets" although they failed to seize the cartel fellow.
The Columbian drug lord is a horse fancier - raises some very
expensive Paso Fino horses. You can imagine what the estancias and
stables must look like.
DEA agents seized the drug lord's prized Paso Fino stallion, a horse
reportedly valued in millions of dollars.
The stallion was shipped to Florida and subsequently auctioned to the
highest bidder, with the proceeds going to fund - of course - the DEA.
No criticism intended there, either.
About three months later, an anonymous photograph was sent to the DEA
folks in Florida. A picture of the drug lord and his stallion -
reunited in Columbia.
Don't you just wonder about that journey?
Susie & Tez
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