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Re: Night riding
Why don't you try tying a glow stick to your horses cinch, I have found in
the past that glow rings around your helmet or neck can make other riders
get vertigo.
Corky Young
Pete Occhialini wrote:
> --
> Rancho Occhialini
> "Where the fat guy lumbers"
> During the night riding on Tevis, I have used glo sticks on my horses.
> I don't use them to light the way, because I'm pretty confident in my
> horses and their ability to see in the dark. It also helps that we live
> near and are always training on the Tevis trail, so they are familiar
> with the terrain and footing. However, I do like to use the Glo sticks
> for the riders behind me, so they know where my horse is and hopefully
> will not tailgate. It is also rather comforting when you are traveling
> those dark canyons to see lights in the distance from other glo sticks
> and know you are not alone, even if it's 2 or 3 switchbacks away The
> past few years, it has worked to tie the glo sticks on the horse's tail
> at Bath Rd. and head off down the Calif. Loop. Last year, the horse I
> rode has a short, high tail, and the constant motion of the glo stick
> proved to be a real irritant to the riders behind me. I took it off and
> fortunately the rider behind me for most of the way kept at least a
> horse length behind, so I didn't have to worry. (Thanks Amber).. I have
> trailers on my back shoes and have seen similiar shoes pulled off other
> horses by riders and their mounts too close to the horse in front.
> Anyway, on the ride last year, I saw a rider with an iridescent halo she
> wrapped around her helmet and it served the same purpose as the glo
> sticks. My husband is doing the Tevis this year, and I would like to
> have him wear one of these . Any ideas where I can pick one up?
> Thanks, Karin O.
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