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Attending the Symposium
Yay for the Ridecampers Registration Fund~! You guys are wonderful!
Betsey, If you are an AERC member and really would attend the
Symposium but for the registration fee, hear here! At the last Reno
convention, AERC set up a Trails Fund specifically for defraying
registration fees at important (i.e., regional/national) trail
conferences. A hat was passed and quickly filled, and I want to
recognize Julie and Bob Suhr as major donors to the fund.
There are a few conditions: you must be a paid-up AERC member;
you must apply to AERC office beforehand, submitting a copy of the
brochure, in order to be approved. After attending the conference,
submit some proof of having attended to the AERC office and you will be
reimbursed. Last but not least, you must submit an article about the
conference for publication in Endurance News.
The Trails Fund does not cover transportation, meals, lodging, nor
time off from work (if necessary). Unfortunately, the AERC Fund can
be used for only one AERC representative per conference (and by no
means do I imply that the "official" AERC rep. would be "better" than any
other dedicated endurance riders who would attend). But -- maybe there
will be enough private donations for more than one registration fee??
Chris Wall used this Fund in 1997 and attended a CA State Trails
Conference in the L.A. area; her article appeared in EN shortly
thereafter. Remember how she was taken aback at how few equestrians
there were in attendance?
I'm really encouraged by all the positive dialogue about attending
this conference. I've also learned that many of the names listed as
speakers are horseowners and riders, so there's hope. However, I don't
like to take anything for granted.
And lest anyone feel left out...There is a National Trails Symposium,
Nov. 13-17, in Tucson Arizona. Call Arizona State Parks at (602)
542-7160 for more information. Betsey, does this help you reach a
decision? (;-) Connie B.
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