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Directions to Robie Park
Hi, all.
Just got back from having lunch with my buddy, Donna O'Gara, and we were
discussing Tevis. Donna is going to help out with getting things posted
to the internet, and I may or may not be crewing this year. Anyway, one
of the topics of conversation was how we both got lost in Truckee trying
to get to Robie Park.
If anyone recalls my story last year I ended up having to call Natalie's
Bed and Breakfast to finally get someone to get me the directions. The
old stand-by of "follow the ribbons" didn't work because there weren't
any. I searched the Tevis Web Page to no avail. The Truckee Chamber of
Commerce had no idea what I was talking about. Neither did Nevada or
Placer County. Everybody at the WSTF had left for Robie Park - it was
nice of them to say that on their answering machine, but I was ready to
scream at that point. I ended up giving Natalie a try and Bingo I hit
the jackpot.
Right at this moment I remember the names of two of the streets -
Ponderosa and Fir, but I couldn't give someone the directions if they
asked me. I can get there myself, but I can't tell someone. Donna is in
the same boat. She knows what streets to turn down, but not their names.
Wouldn't it be nice if explicit directions to Robie Park were included on
the Tevis Web Page?
I'd have sent this to "What's-is-face" the Official Tevis Web Guy, but,
as you can see, I don't remember the fellows name. On top of that, for
some reason when I tried sending a note to this affect through the Tevis
Web Page email site my computer refused to send it. So, all of you poor
folks on Ridecamp have to suffer through yet another of my posts.
Smile...I'm done!
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