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$$ 1 done 1 to go
Hi Ridecampers,
Yeah! We've got Betsy's fee covered already. Thanks for everybody who
pledged. Next up is Vickie Smith. Vickie is going to try to raise
some local money as well so this will be a go even if we can't raise the
whole amount. (I personally pledge to fill in any needed amount so we
don't have to mess around refunding money if the total comes up short.)
Carol Bushway-Boardman is the 1st pledge for Vickie. My address is
Teresa Van Hove vanhove@unavco.ucar.edu
13340 Gun Club Rd
Commerce City CO 80022
I would like to save Vickie a little paperwork and just send her one
check, and I'll deposit all the little checks but if anyone would rather
send a check directly to Vickie I will send her address to those who
request it. Vickie has already been involved with NFS planning meetings
for the Green Mountain National Forest so she knows her way around these
things and I think it is well worth it to have 2 good endurance
representatives at this symposium - it sounds huge. Also let me
repeat Angies request for a re-pososting of Connie Berto's original
message - I deleted it too quick and I haven't been able to pull it
up from the ridecamp archives.
Angie has done her bit for trails so please e-mail pledges to me
at vanhove@unavco.ucar.edu
------ snip >>>
I'd like to send a pledge in to help Betsy and Vickie go to the symposium.
I've ridden with Vickie a few times and know that she's put in alot of work
in our area to save the trails.
Carol Bushway-Boardman
in Vermont
carol.boardman@dartmouth.edu >>>>>
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