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>I am considering trying to switch my mare from a snaffle to something to
control her with no mouth piece. She is easy to control and most of
the time I can control her with voice commands.... walk, trot etc. But
there are times! She doesn't like a mechanical hackamore even with very
little pressure. She has trouble with turns in it and starts grabbing
(lowering her head) to get more rein even when I have no pressure. I am
considering trying a side pull or bi pull. Would someone tell me the
advantages of both.<<
The other option you might consider which would give you more "brakes" on the
trail than a sidepull, is a vosal. It has a scissoring action under the chin
but doesn't offer as much leverage as the mechanical hackamore. I rode on the
trail in a sidepull for awhile but found I had no brakes, so switched to this
with my easy-to-control mare. The vosal is made to attach the reins to a
single ring under the chin, but I know someone who attaches the reins to the
side so it acts like a sidepull or snaffle. It can attach to a halter-bridle
too. Just another idea.
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