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Hi all,
Have just returned from another trip to the Game Reserves with clients,a
hectic fun filled twelve days.
So now I am catching up on ridecamp news.About stallions ,I have two
stallions at stud here who do competitive endurance,at home they run with
there mares.They are well mannered anbd a dream to work with ,our younger
stallion a tri coloured Appaloosa stallion "Maluti Southern Pride" already
knows not to interfere with mares and gelding on a ride(any ride)We used
him,one of my young geldings and Anglo Arab mare and a nother Arab gelding
at the parks,these horses were all on a picket line together and he ignored
them all completely,once before he had two mares in season next to him and
also ignored them.He is a absolute gentlman,a great calm horse to ride as
well,he is intimidating as he is 16 hands,but a absolute sweetie.He seems
to know that once we have loaded him ,he is going somewhere to work not to
interfere with mares or geldings.We have never smacked him or anything
either,he just has a naturally well behaved stallion.Most people think he
is a gelding most of the time because of his calm temprement.At home he is
diffrent ,he is proud and prances about ,showing off to his mares.At the
moment he is running with two mares and my young AraAppaloosa gelding,they
are all fine together but both mares are in foal,I will take the gelding
away when the mares have foaled and when they come into season again.My
gelding and the stallion have formed a very strong friendship,the younger
horse follows Southern Pride everywhere.
I dont like to take unecessary chances though,so the gelding will be put in
another paddock later on.
I cant fault my stallions temprements at all,and would not swop them for
all the tea in china.
As for the proginy of these stallions ,if they are not superior to there
sires they are gelded at two years of age.I am a very strict breeder all
my out crosses are also gelded,have to keep the lines pure but there is a
demand for the AraAppaloosa crosses.Specifically for endurance.My
Appaloosas have no Quarter horse in there bloodlines at all.
Besides all that let me tell what happenned in the Game parks,as I said
before my horses were on a picket line,the one night we heard a great
commotion outside,low and behold three Rhino bulls chased all the horses
away from where they were tied.Guess these things happen,the following
morning it was a hell of a long walk to find the horses they had a great
night covorting amongst the wild beasties in the Parks.
Ok enough from me
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